As a general rule, I steer clear of games, quizzes and random sidebars on Facebook. But every now and then the distraction sucks me in and I play along. Today - well yesterday - I ventured over to to find out what my most used post words were in 2017. And here they are: We'll say that today, good, time and people are Tier 1, with work, girlie, happy, love, care and life coming in second. There are a lot of words in that cloud, but I was glad to see that protest, resist, home, hope, and pray made the list. It paints a representative picture of what I try to put across as a whole. What a nice way to exit 2017. Now, let's have a good time, people!
Happy New Year! You found the chink in my armor,
hammered away with your smirk and your wiles until I had a space just big enough for you. It grew and I crawled in, too like it was our own special foxhole. I rested and trusted basked in your light. Didn't notice or ignored when it no longer cocooned and warm walls became cold bars. Because you were gone in the night or light. I couldn't tell except for the chink-turned-cavern that you dragged my heart through leaving me empty promises emoji-filled deceptions and tear-stained palms turned shovels to fill my soul back in. (c) Stefanie P. Worth 2017 #poetry #love #loss #healing #journey ![]() I love collecting memes as “notes to self.” If it’s a kick in my mental gut, I’ll share the thought with you. So, here’s one. 2017 helped me identify cycles that I perpetuated in my life, times I’ve stood in my own way, and fears I’ve used as a personal and professional shield. Even the me I thought was bold and brave often opted to coast along for comfort. My new-found clarity has also helped me recognize the personality types that fed off that lesser me, those people I allowed in to help keep me drifting in certain life circles. This meme sums all that up in tidy fashion. But these four lines are filled with the weight of years. If you haven’t dug down deep and bared your soul to yourself, try it. Give yourself permission to discover who you are. Otherwise, you may never have the freedom this meme’s last three words can bring. As for me, I’m wondering how to translate garlic necklaces and silver “bullets” into everyday tools to keep those cycles and people types behind 12/31/17, where they belong. When I figure that out I’ll let you know. (#ideaswelcome) Until then, Happy New Year. Stay blessed. Originally published on Stories by Stefanie Worth
#storiesbystefanieworth #memes #lifecycles #clarity #notestoself #garlicnecklaces #silverbullets #happynewyear #stayblessed ![]() I started 2017 with a vision "board" (created on a letter-sized sheet of paper so I could take it anywhere). One of the to-do's I tasked myself with was journaling. And journal I have. There have been stretches where I scribbled page after page day after day. Then I'd look up to find I hadn't written in a week or a month. The urge to unload seems to follow the ebb and flow of my life. Most of my entries have been made while I was on the stair climber in the morning. I fashioned a desktop with a piece of thin wood from a random household purchase, placed it atop the handlebars and scribbled away to the sounds of Charmed on Netflix and my feet pumping furiously below. The book is nearly filled and I won't carry it into the new year with me. I'll be leaving these pages of the past in the past. But the piece I will carry into 2018 from this self-awakening year of journaling will be my gratitude entries. Each time I write, I try to jot down the things I'm thankful for. The practice keeps me mindful, grounded, and humble on a higher level. And taking stock of my blessings before work brings much-needed calm to this ever-patient woman. The one item unchecked from my January 4th list is the last one. Sleep. I will be better about resting. Promise. What are you grateful for this year? How will you change your life in 2018? #gratitude #grateful #journal #journaling #exercise #mindful #humble #sleep |
Stefanie Worth
Writer long before I was an author. Poet. Mom. Child advocate. Lover. Learner. INTJ. Tapper. Disrupter. Seeker. Always grateful. ArchivesCategories
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